If you ask parents, archery was part of their gym class when they where is school. Unfortunately, archery being taught during gym class has greatly diminished over the last few years. One of the main reasons for this is simply a lack of knowledge. That is where the NASP program comes in.
The NASP program is designed to add archery back to gym class curriculum by training the teachers. NASP sells the archery equipment to the schools at about 65% of the retail value, and the OFAH comes to the school and trains the teachers how to run a successful gym class archery program. The teacher training session is included in the purchase of the equipment.
By adding archery to gym class, every student in the school from grade 4 and up, will try archery for a few days during gym class. There is nothing wrong with after school archery programs. However, after school programs really only attract kids that already do archery. When archery is added to gym class, we grow the sport by introducing kids that would never pick up a bow anywhere else.
NASP also recognizes that school athletic budgets have been dramatically reduced over the years. That is why NASP will allow 2 schools to share the same equipment package. With NASP being gym class curriculum, the first school could use the equipment for their gym classes, and then just take the equipment to the second school for their gym classes. The OFAH will have a training session that includes teachers from both schools at the same time. Very simple!! With 2 schools sharing the equipment they also share the cost, making the program more affordable for all involved.
You will find out everything you need to know about this amazing program at
I always love talking NASP, so don't hesitate to contact me!!
Yours in Conservation,
Tim Watts
NASP Coordinator
Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters
P.O. Box 2800
4601 Guthrie Drive
Peterborough, Ontario
K9J 8L5
705-748-6324 Ext. 235