Archery Ontario prides itself on hosting competitions that are fair, well-organized, and conducted with the highest standards of integrity. Central to achieving this excellence are the archery judges, whose expertise ensures every event runs smoothly and fairly. Below we explore the critical role of archery judges within Archery Ontario, delving into their responsibilities, the rigorous training and certification process they undergo, and the ongoing recertification required to maintain their status. By understanding the dedication and precision that judges bring to the sport, participants and spectators alike can appreciate the importance of their role in upholding the spirit of competition in Ontario’s archery community.

- Kelly Chambers, NJC (Chair)
NJ - National Judge
NJC - National Judge Candidate
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- Do you love the sport of archery?
- Do you want to help the sport grow?
- Do you want to learn new skills and be part of a supportive community?
- Can you:
- Understand, interpret and apply rules?
- Be fair and objective?
If you answered “yes”, consider becoming an archery judge!
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How to:
- maintain and renew your certification as a Provincial Judge; and
- recertify as a Provincial Judge.
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When it comes to organizing an archery event in Ontario, one of the most crucial elements to consider is the judging panel. The role of a judge in archery is not only to ensure that the competition runs smoothly and fairly but also to uphold the integrity and standards of the sport. So, what kind of judge is required for an archery event in Ontario? Let's dive into the qualifications, responsibilities, and the vital characteristics that make a great archery judge in this region. Whether you're a seasoned archer or a newcomer to the sport, understanding the role of a judge will give you a deeper appreciation of the precision and fairness that defines archery competitions.
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Looking for a certified judge for your upcoming archery event? Look no further! Discover a comprehensive list of certified judges from Ontario ready to ensure a fair and exciting competition.
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Reference the current versions of Archery Ontario, Archery Canada and World Archery Rule books.
- The Archery Ontario books are available at: https://archeryontario.ca/tournaments/rules-and-regulations
- The Archery Canada books are available at: https://archerycanada.ca/resources/judging-resources
- The World Archery books are available at: https://www.worldarchery.sport/rulebook
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Are you ready to step into the world of archery judging or looking to renew your certification? Our comprehensive list of upcoming qualification and recertification events in Ontario has got you covered. This article will provide you with all the details you need, including event dates, locations, and what to expect from each session. Whether you're aiming to become a certified judge for the first time or need to update your credentials, these events are essential for ensuring you have the expertise and confidence to officiate archery competitions with precision and fairness.
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